Styleworthy Blog

  • Embracing Self-Love: Nurturing Your Soul this December

    December, with its festive cheer and holiday spirit, can also be a time of reflection and self-care. Amidst the hustle and bustle of the season, i...
  • Finding Light in the Darkness: Combating Seasonal Affective Disorder at Styleworthy Studio

    As the days grow shorter and the nights longer, many individuals find themselves grappling with Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), a type of depre...
  • Embracing the Spectrum: My Journey as a Multipotentialite

     In a world that often seeks to put individuals into neat, definable boxes, living life as a multipotentialite is both liberating and challenging....
  • Unraveling My 'Why': The Driving Force Behind My Intuitive Business Consulting Journey

    Navigating the delicate balance between financial stability and fulfilling one’s passion is a common challenge many entrepreneurs face. For me, th...
  • Finding Joy in the Glimmer of Sunlight

    Take a moment to reflect: What brings you joy in your life? 

    As I sit in that sun-filled room, watching my suncatcher come alive with light, I am reminded of the simple yet profound truth: there is always light if we take a moment to see it. It's a lesson I carry with me through each day, a reminder that joy is not always found in grand gestures but in the quiet moments of beauty that grace our lives.

  • Navigating the In-Between: Uncovering Purpose and Empowering Others on Their Journey to Self

    In the intricate tapestry of life, there are moments of clarity interspersed with periods of uncertainty, leading us to the in-between—a space whe...
  • Embracing a New Chapter: Celebrating Another Solar Return and the Gift of Beginnings

    As the earth completes another orbit around the sun, I find myself standing at the precipice of a new beginning, ready to embrace the possibilitie...
  • Unveiling My True Self: Navigating Authenticity as a Female Person of Colour

    Growing up as a female person of colour, I've often found myself in situations where I had to navigate the delicate balance between fittin...
  • Celebrating Resilience and Embracing Emotional Healing

    October 22nd, 2022 was supposed to be a celebration – my 45th birthday, a milestone filled with joy, laughter, and togetherness and my wedding ann...
  • Embracing Healing and Self-Love

    Navigating through the aftermath of a car accident can be an incredibly challenging journey, one filled with pain, uncertainty, and a mult...
  • The realness

    Allow me to reintroduce myself, my name is...(come on, you know you have Jay-Z in your head right now!)My name is Jenn Rabanillo (Coxworthy).My goa...
  • Top 5 Self-Love Tips

    1. Seek support. Don't diminish your struggle. Enlist "spiritual buddies" to encourage you on the down days and celebrate with you during the up d...